Saturday, September 5, 2009

the reward





Ice cream with Isa. A pretty good reward for napping in her big girl bed. I don't think I have mentioned that we have had a new ice cream local in Lander. It is called the scream shack and it is half a block from our house. I am convinced Charlotte has eaten more ice cream than she would have if this scream shack did not exist. I have begun to let go of wishing a perfet diet for her. Everything in moderation, right?

Timothy looks less than thrilled as he has not truly experienced the scream shack. I make him a healthy and delicious smoothie (banana, spinach, cooked carrots, and cooked pear-tastes pretty good) before we go so he gets a "treat" too. The face he has on is the one he wears for anybody outside of immediate family. It just takes him a bit to warm up, even to people he sees all the time (Blair is behind the lens on these photos).
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