Monday, January 12, 2009

do you want to buy or sell handmade toys after Feb. 10th????

Usually I stay off my soapbox here, but this legislation demands a little attention. Just take a quick minute to read and decide for yourself.

There is forthcoming legislation that will take action as of February 10th that threatens to bankrupt tens of thousands of independent toymakers and importers. If you hope to buy local and/or handmade products for children under 12 after mid-February, you may want to keep reading below and take action now.

The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA
), set to take effect on February 10th, will require all product makers to have their products tested and safety-certified, at an estimated cost of up to $4000 per individual design. This move is certain to drive countless independent toymakers,and clothing makers out of business.

The Handmade Toy Alliance says that the law could be improved by exempting small businesses and by recognizing that certain manufacturing processes shouldn't require lead paint testing. (Like if your toys aren't painted or don't use plastic.) If we don't take action the law will remain unchanged. And come this February you can expect your store shelves empty of handmade goods or those from small companies. FYI: Walmart was implemental in getting this bill passed-hmmmmmm.

Here is a good link for taking action-please don't wait!!!! At the very least just go to the site and sign the petition:

:: Handmade Toy Alliance: How You Can Help


  1. hey don't forget about the clothing and footwear makers too... it's broad enough to cover anything marketed to children under 12.


  2. oh yes,yes. I should have stated that more specifically instead of assuming that everyone would know that:)
